I could relate to this kind of thinking not too long ago. It's a little embarrassing to admit. Why? Because I am happy and content where God has me! Why would I want to dream of more? But HE made me a Dreamer! There is more to this life He's given! Yes, even more than dance competitions, baseball games, and awesome TV shows. Even more than my service to my local church family. He's put dreams in my heart that only He can bring to fruition. So stuffing the dreams well, it feels a little like suffocating.
But I am dreaming again! 7 years ago an opportunity was created for what seems like "just for me!" I was introduced to Beachbody Coaching one year ago exactly and though I ignored the opportunity for a good 3 months, something just itched at me whispering "this is your ticket, this is That opportunity." You know the opportunity that I've been waiting for that would rip the income ceiling right off the roof and open my eyes to more world than I can fathom! Its been a wild 8 month ride but this opportunity has me dreaming again! There is NO income ceiling! I can work from anywhere. My job is to simply encourage people to live healthier and more fulfilling lives. I could do that! You can do that. My eyes are widening with excitement as I am watching God bring people into my life that I have the privilege of walking alongside. Everyone wins! I will give God the glory.
As I sat with my husband of 12 years on our swing in the yard, I told him about my dreaming. I think he got a glimpse of that dreaming spirit and for the first time in a long time he is daring to dream a little more. Our ceiling is disintegrating.
If you are ready to start Dreaming again, whatever that may look like, I'd love to encourage you in whatever way I can. This opportunity isn't just for me. There are so many who have begun to live our their God given dreams...again...through this gift of Beachbody Coaching.
Check out my Tuscan Dream Board on Pinterest to see some beautiful views of my dream coming true! https://www.pinterest.com/productofgrace/tuscan-dream/