Friday, May 22, 2015

15 Ways to Afford Shakeology

Wall of Shakeology Ingredients, Santa Monica, CA
The biggest resistance I get regarding Shakeology  is “But it’s too expensive! How can I afford that?!”  Think of it this way, making an investment, like taking Shakeology, to improve your health is a decision you don’t even have to hesitate with!  Remember the saying, “Your body is a temple,” well, you should treat it as such.  An investment into your body and health shouldn’t be an issue, if you are willing to find a way to make your life better.
Seeing Shakeology as a healthy REPLACEMENT and not an addition to your diet your is what people tend to forget. You don’t add Shakeology on top of all the stuff you eating and buying to keep up with the diet, you simply substitute Shakeology in place of those items!  Especially those items that you find pricey, or not your favorite foods to eat or the ones that take too long to prep (like if you don’t really like veggies — now come on there’s a lot of you that don’t).  That’s what I do.  I am always on the go and moving a mile a minute.  I don’t have time to prepare breakfast in the mornings so I simply substitute that meal with an instant Shakeology and I’m all set!  I also make it for my husband every morning before work and it takes less than 5 minutes!
Here are 15 ways you can save money every month and put it toward something guaranteed to improve your health and change your life:
1.  Sign up as a coach and get the discount. It’s only $97.46 plus tax with free shipping on the Home Direct option for your Shakeology. This saves you $25.71 per month (this number already includes the monthly coach’s fee incorporated) and breaks it down to only $3.50 per day, cheaper than a Happy Meal at McDonald’s!  Plus, have the chance to have your Shakeology paid for through the coaching opportunity.
2.  Become a Beachbody Club Member as you will save 10% on Shakeology. By becoming a Beachbody Club Member, you not only receive a discount on Shakeology, but all Beachbody products.  Also, you will have full access to thousands of recipes, a customized meal planner, addition help and support from celebrity trainers and information that seems to go on forever!
3.  Use coupons when grocery shopping. I use the following places to get coupons:  Sunday newspapers, (an awesome!), and google “Krazy Koupon Lady” in addition to the Hot Coupon World forums.  That doesn’t include the savings you get with favorite store’s loyalty card.  You can also shop Aldi or Save A Lot (if there is one in your area) and save a TON on produce, canned goods, eggs, milk, yogurt, bread, and frozen foods. We buy farm fresh eggs cheaper than the stores and have a garden for a lot of our vegetables. It’s all about figuring out what “junk” you really don’t need!
4. When making food, make it yourself from scratch instead of buying prepackaged, processed food.This will not only be cheaper, but healthier.  You can easily pre-prep your food for the week.  I like putting all of my ingredients together in a basket in the fridge, so they are all ready to go at dinner time. Having your meals prepared in advance will allow you to focus on portion control and will keep dedicated to the diet easier.
5.  Substitute your expensive meal of the day with Shakeology. I was guilty of doing this and I know so many people are, but are in denial.  Stop wasting your money grabbing a morning coffee at Starbucks (or Monster energy drinks) or leaving work to grab lunch at a fast food place or Subway!  Forget those $5.00-15.00 lunches  or dinners out with coworkers and friends at restaurants or even your workplace’s cafeteria.  Stopping this saves you $100-$200 a month!  Are you one of those who stop at a coffee shop in the morning or go out to lunch?
6.  Make fewer trips out. Instead of taking several trips to the store to buy a few items here or there, make a master errands list for the day and save money on gas.  Plus, if your location is nearby, choose to walk!  You’re looking to get in better shape, right?
7.  Prepare meals ahead of time and freeze instead of going out to eat fast food or restaurant food.Again, this saves your wallet and your health.  Google “Once a month cooking” to get a better idea of what this involves.  You can also do “once a week cooking” or “Once every 2 weeks cooking.”  Just cater to your family’s needs.
8.  Make your own cleaners from household goods. Use vinegar and other household supplies to create your own detergents and cleaners.  We all know how expensive these are!  Not only does this save money, but it’s better for the environment.  I have recently started doing this and not only are homemade cleaners better smelling (no chemicals here!) but they usually work better!
9.  Brown bag your lunch to work. If you want to drink your Shakeology for another meal, bring your lunch to work from home.  Again, this saves you money that you won’t be spending at the workplace cafeteria, fast food place or restaurant.  Plus, an entire loaf of wheat bread ($2), cans of tuna ($.50) and an assortment of fruit ($2-$4) is a VERY healthy lunch and its very affordable.  Plus, that investment is less than $10 for an entire week!
10.  Stop drinking soda, and drink more water. Soda is ridiculously expensive and has nothing but sugar and chemicals ($1.69 here for a 20 oz soda!! — if you drink 4 a day, that’s almost $7!).  Drink water!  Well, of course its free if you like tap water and extremely cheap for bottled.  Your body craves it and needs it anyway!
11.  Use the groceries that you have in your pantry, freezer, and refrigerator before going out to buy more food or going out to eat. We are all guilty of buying food, throwing in the pantry or freezer and forgetting its even there.  If you have chicken in the freezer then use it!  Whether its to spice up a salad, or make chicken sandwiches!
12.  Consign your old clothing or children’s items instead of just throwing them away or donating them.You can easily save $100-$200/season just on old toys and clothes the kids can’t wear anymore.  There is always “junk” laying around you can make a quick buck on.
13.  Have a yard sale the first weekend of the month. We have loads of old stuff lying around and continue gathering “junk”.  We do this twice per year and net between $200-600 each time!  Don’t be afraid to say bye-bye to old junk, especially when you can make some money doing so! Not to mention, it makes it waaaayyy easier to get organized!
14.  Stop using your credit card and go to an all cash envelope system. Google “Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover” for more info.
15.  Purchase foods (that you’ll use) in bulk. Items such as nuts, dried fruit, grains, snacks, cereal, spices, and baking ingredients are not expensive and they last for a long time!  Costco is worth the $50 a year membership!!
If you need additional hints or advice on how to afford Shakeology and save money, make me your Beachbody Coach by clicking here! There are tons of other ways to save money, even for those of you who are in denial… you know who I am talking about.  The people who are too broke but yet stop at Starbucks or McDonald’s on the way to work and blow $7-$10!  Again, investing into your health isn’t an option anymore!  Living a healthy lifestyle now days are close to impossible, with all the fast food, fried foods, processed foods, etc.  People are always on the go and want food fast.  Shakeology is FAST, fast and HEALTHY!  I can say this with confidence, “The cheaper the food, the worse it is for you.”  And that is not a lie!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Ceiling is Disintegrating!

    You work for the weekends. You want to enjoy life! You try to enjoy all the abundant gifts...and to a degree, you do! But there's something that just feels a little suffocating.  You work your tail off only to know realize that you still, you still have miles to to go before the next potential raise.  You have a family, after all.  You've got to provide.  Keep trekking away.  Don't get me are living! But you have stopped dreaming of something more.  This is it...maybe you will retire when you're 65..ish.  Then maybe you can dream again?
     I could relate to this kind of thinking not too long ago.  It's a little embarrassing to admit.  Why? Because I am happy and content where God has me! Why would I want to dream of more? But HE made me a Dreamer! There is more to this life He's given! Yes, even more than dance competitions, baseball games, and awesome TV shows. Even more than my service to my local church family. He's put dreams in my heart that only He can bring to fruition.  So stuffing the dreams well, it feels a little like suffocating.
    But I am dreaming again! 7 years ago an opportunity was created for what seems like "just for me!"  I was introduced to Beachbody Coaching one year ago exactly and though I ignored the opportunity for a good 3 months, something just itched at me whispering "this is your ticket, this is That opportunity." You know the opportunity that I've been waiting for that would rip the income ceiling right off the roof and open my eyes to more world than I can fathom! Its been a wild 8 month ride but this opportunity has me dreaming again! There is NO income ceiling! I can work from anywhere.  My job is to simply encourage people to live healthier and more fulfilling lives.  I could do that! You can do that.  My eyes are widening with excitement as I am watching God bring people into my life that I have the privilege of walking alongside.  Everyone wins! I will give God the glory.  
    As I sat with my husband of 12 years on our swing in the yard, I told him about my dreaming.  I think he got a glimpse of that dreaming spirit and for the first time in a long time he is daring to dream a little more.  Our ceiling is disintegrating.
    If you are ready to start Dreaming again, whatever that may look like, I'd love to encourage you in whatever way I can.  This opportunity isn't just for me.  There are so many who have begun to live our their God given dreams...again...through this gift of Beachbody Coaching.

Check out my Tuscan Dream Board on Pinterest to see some beautiful views of my dream coming true!

Pink Preppy Lilly Lover: Wordless Wednesday: Day Dreaming Under a Tuscan Sun

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Pomegranates and Prayers

When I look back just over the last couple years of my life I can see how kind and graciously God has answered so many of my prayers, even the simplest. In April 2011 I had no clue what was next.  My jobs we insecure, we were outgrowing our rented condo in Woodbridge, Ca, and the way things were headed were, simply put, uncertain.  But God, in His providence, had so many amazing things in store! Fast forward to April 2015 and I am living the life I had always dreamed of. I even find that God has answered on a regular basis the smallest of prayers: My youngest's cough to not turn into Round 3 of a cold, a way for my daughter to dance, new jeans, perfect play set for the yard, opportunity to go on a cruise, chicken to come out tasty from the oven, a whisper of truth to a friend who was confused, and countless others.  A recent prayer was that our pomegranate harvest would be plentiful.  I specifically asked for 20 juicy fruits on one tree in particular.  Well, I check and there are well over 20 in bloom! God is so good and his mercy and grace is abundant.  I bet you can imagine that there is WAY more to this life story but for now I will keep it short.  God is always good, we are always loved.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Day 5: B.O.D. P90X3

I love a good ab workout! Although my core has decent strength...there is definitely much more to be had.  I was impressed with the P90X3 Ab Ripper because it took a different approach to a core workout with many slow motion isometric movements.  Most ab workouts that are 10-15 minutes try to cram as many exercises into that time period as possible, and while I don't dislike that approach at all, it was neat to experience something different.  There were also a few fun exercises that I hadn't done yet like the "Dolphin Hops" in a forearm plank position.  Trainer Tony Horton was his usually funny self (he definitely cracks himself up ;) ) and I actually liked the layout of the participants (they all faced each other into the center).  All in all I can definitely imagine that my core would benefit greatly from that workout!
   So for the last 5 days I have tried new Beachbody workout programs that are available NOW on Beachbody On Demand. For less than $3/week you can choose form 11 different Beachbody programs that you can stream from anywhere that you have Wifi!  Next week I will review a few more but am soon to get back to Insanity Max:30 for 21 days of my next Challenge Group!  If you're interested in BB On Demand or any other info/programs I would love to get you the details you seek and would revel the privilege to have you join me in a challenge group that begins March 30! :)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 4: B.O.D. 10 Minute Trainer with Tony Horton

   Today was a 10 minute exercise type of day.  The kind where you really don't have the time but need to get something accomplished.  So this review of the 10 Minute Trainer Program came at the perfect time! I chose to do "Total Body" and I have to say it was a good pretty decent workout.  On camera is just the trainer (Tony Horton) and one other person who actually did the exercises while Tony critiqued and encouraged her.  I liked the fact that the trainer walked you through the technique of each exercise as they were done so you at home could check your form based on what he was teaching.  I chose to use 8lb weights for the majority of the workout except for one exercise where I needed to use 5lbs.  The one critique I do have is that there is NOT a warm up built in (which isn't surprising given the 10 min. time) but it would be important to make sure that you get a little warm up and wrist stretch in before beginning; likewise it does NOT have a cool-down... so same suggestion applies.
    One awesome thing about this program is that there are 14 different 10 minute sessions! That's a lot to choose from.  For quicker results I would suggest that you choose to do 2-3 sessions a day (spread out if needbe).  There is a workout calendar, weightloss plan, nutrition guide, on the go work out cards and more available for download to compliment the program.
   This one I definitely encourage my 11 year old ball player to do on the days he needs to condition and is a perfect start for anyone who is easing themselves back into a workout schedule.

This is an example screen shot of the different tools to help you succeed! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day 3: B.O.D. Turbo Fire

The picture says it all! Today I did Turbo Fire HITT 25 it was some fun energy! It was a class-like setting with Chalene Johnson leading the show.  I appreciated the explaining of the exercises and the intensity in which all the participants conducted themselves.  For each "set" of exercises we did them slower once or twice which was follow by about 3 sets of "FIRE" speed.  The time passed quickly and after it was over I definitely felt like I had completed a great workout.  The best part was Chalene's high energy and encouragement. It made it easy to keep going as well as made the time fly!

Something awesome about Beachbody On Demand is that with so much variety in programs you have the ability to search by type, by trainer, by skill level.  When you begin a program there is lots of good information like the skill level, equipment needed, length of each exercise, etc. This is great to help you decide which program is best fir for your needs and goals...and of course a Coach is a great source to help you narrow it down as well! Until tomorrow... :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day 2: B.O.D. Brazilian Butt Lift

Day 2 Brazilian Butt Lift Review
Today I chose to do the Cardio Axe and it was about 28 min long.  The workout consisted of Latin dance moves, particularly Samba.  Now coming from a Zumba background, I LOVE to dance to Latin music and I have to say that the workout was fun! Just moving my arms in crazy directions while trying to get my hips to go the other way was a workout enough and I definitely felt like it was a decent workout for my cardio system.  Despite his accent, the trainer was easy to understand and the assistant dancers had great, fun energy. Soon I will try one of the workouts that focuses a little more on the glutes but for my first Brazilian Butt Workout I give it an "A"! The best part was I go to do it with my BFF/longtime Zumba buddy!